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Quill Diagnostic
Why are the ELL Starter Diagnostic recommendations numbered?
Why are the ELL Starter Diagnostic recommendations numbered?
Updated over a week ago

Quill has three different ELL Diagnostic options available - the ELL Starter Diagnostics, the ELL Intermediate Diagnostics, and the ELL Advanced Diagnostics. Once completed, each of these diagnostics will generate practice recommendation activity packs based on their diagnostic performances.

The ELL Starter practice recommendation activity packs are numbered by pack whereas the ELL Intermediate and ELL Advanced practice recommendation activity packs are not. This is because the ELL Starter Diagnostics are sequenced by concept whereas the other ELL Diagnostics are not.

The ELL Starter Diagnostic first presents students with a basic sentence and then provides scaffolding accordingly. For this reason, we strongly advise assigning the ELL Starter practice recommendation activity packs according to their numerical order so that students can get the most out of completing their practice recommendations. For more information about how to modify the pacing of diagnostic recommendations, click here.

For more information about Quill's ELL resources, click here. For more information about the differences between our diagnostics, click here, and lastly, if you're looking to assign a diagnostic, click here.

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