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How do I customize Quill Lessons?
How do I customize Quill Lessons?

Learn how to customize Quill Lessons.

Updated over 7 months ago

Teachers are able to customize a Quill Lesson, our activities meant for instruction with a whole class or small group of students, after assigning it and before launching it. Some examples of how you may customize a Quill Lesson include:

  • Align prompts to material that you are discussing in class, such as books you are reading in class or material that is more relatable for the students.

  • Change the prompts to better suit your students' writing skill level.

  • Rewording or clarifying directions and objectives to fit a structure with which your students are familiar.

Table of Contents

Access a Quill Lesson from the Overview page

To customize a Quill Lesson, you first need to access the Quill Lesson. To access a Quill Lesson from the Overview page, please navigate to the Overview page in the Home tab.

Then, scroll down to the Present a live lesson section

Then, click the three dots in the More column to the far right of the name of the Quill Lesson that you would like to customize.

Present a live lesson section of the Teacher Dashboard highlighted

Click the Customize option.

Click the three dots next to a lesson's title, then click customize

On the subsequent page, click the Customize dropdown arrow and click the Make Copy option.

The customize and make a copy button of the customization page highlighted

Name this edition of this Quill Lesson and click the Start Customizing button.

Name this edition box of the customization page

Access a Quill Lesson from the Launch Lessons page

To customize a Quill Lesson, you first need to access the Quill Lesson. To access a Quill Lesson from the Launch Lessons page, please navigate to the Launch Lessons page in the Manage Activities tab.

Then, click the magic wand icon to the far right of the name of the Quill Lesson that you would like to customize.

On the subsequent page, click the Customize dropdown arrow and click the Make Copy option.

The customize and make a copy button of the customization page highlighted

Name this edition of this Quill Lesson and click the Start Customizing button.

Name this edition box of the customization page

Customize a Quill Lesson

On the page to customize a Quill Lesson, you may take any of the actions below.

Rename the title of a Quill Lesson

Click in the Edition Name field to rename the edition of the Quill Lesson.

Add a sample question to easily identify the Quill Lesson

Click in the Sample Question field to enter a sample question so that you may easily identify the customized edition of the Quill Lesson before launching it

Customize the title and text of a slide

For any slide in a Quill Lesson, you can click in the Title field on the left side of the page to edit the title of the slide.

For any slide in a Quill Lesson, you can click in the Prompt field on the left side of the page to edit the text of the slide.

On the right side of the page, you will see a preview of what the slide will look like for your students.

In a Quill Lesson, there are three types of slides.

  • A Static Text slide does not prompt students to submit responses, so Static Text slides are great slides to show the objectives of the Quill Lesson and examples of the writing skill relevant to the Quill Lesson.

Static text slide showing the objective for the lesson
  • A Teacher Model slide prompts teachers to model the writing skill relevant to the Quill Lesson. The Prompt field shows the prompt for which teachers need to model a response, and the Instructions field shows the instructions for modeling a response for the prompt.

Teacher model slide showing the prompt, instructions, and joining words to use
  • The Students Practice slide prompts students to submit responses for the prompt. In the Title field, you will see either Paired Practice or Individual Practice. Although the format of these slides is the same, the way students engage with the content of the slide will be different. For the Paired Practice slides, students will work with a partner to submit a response, and for the Individual Practice slides, students will independently submit a response.

    The Prompt field shows the prompt for which students need to submit responses, and the Instructions field shows the instructions for submitting a response for the prompt.

Students practice slide showing the prompt, instructions, joining words, and prefilled text

While customizing the text of a slide, there are editing features that you can use.

  • The Clear Slide feature removes all text from the slide.

Clear slide button removes text from the slide
  • The Reset Slide feature reverts the slide back to its original text.

Reset slide button reverts the slide text to the original information
  • The Bold, Italicize, and Underline icons can be clicked to emphasize certain aspects of the text in the slide.

Bold, italicize, and underline buttons

  • The Quote feature inserts a gray text box for you to enter a piece of information to which you would like to call attention.

Quote button inserts a gray text box into the slide

Publish the customized Quill Lesson

Once you have finished customizing the Quill Lesson, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Publish Edition button.

Publish edition button at the bottom of the customization interface

To preview the customized Quill Lesson, click the View My Edition button.

View my edition button highlighted

After you have previewed the customized Quill Lesson, click the Save and Exit button in the toolbar in the upper right corner of the page.

Save and exit button at the top of the Quill Lessons interface highlighted

Launch a customized Quill Lesson

To launch the customized Quill Lesson, when launching the Quill Lesson, make sure to choose the customized Quill Lesson from the My Customized Editions section on the page that prompts you to select the edition of the Quill Lesson.

Select the "My customized editions" version of the lesson

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