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How do I sign up as an administrator?

You can create an administrator account on Quill and have access to the Premium Hub to manage your school(s).

Updated over 6 months ago

If you are an administrator in your school or district, creating an admin account on Quill unlocks access to the Premium Hub, Quill's administrator dashboard. The Premium Hub allows you to view and manage your school(s) subscriptions, log in to teachers' accounts, view Premium reports, and more.

New to Quill? Follow the steps below to create your administrator account.

Currently a teacher on Quill? Follow the steps in this article to request admin access.

Account type selection

To create a new Quill account, go to Click the Sign Up button located at the top right of the screen.

To sign up as an administrator, click the K-12 Administrator button.

Next, select your preferred sign-up method. You can sign up with your Google or Clever accounts or manually input your name, input your email, and create a password.

Email verification

If you did not sign up with a Google or Clever account, you must verify your Quill account via email. Check your inbox for the verification email. Make sure to check your spam/junk folders.

If you signed up with Google or Clever, your email will automatically be verified, and this step will be skipped.

School verification

Once your email has been verified, select your administrator role at your school.

Then, search for and select your school. If you are a district-level administrator, select any of the schools you oversee in the district.

Our team manually verifies every administrator account to ensure your school/district data is protected. For this step, please provide the URL of your LinkedIn profile or another page that verifies your connection to your school (e.g. your profile on your school or district's website) and a reason for why you would like to be an administrator for this school. Then, click the Next button.

While we perform this verification, you will have partial access to the Premium Hub, with a banner that reads We're reviewing your request. The Quill Team will review your request to be an administrator for this school. You will be notified via email once the request is approved (typically in 24-48 hours).

Becoming an administrator for multiple schools

Once you have created your administrator account that is linked to one school, you can become an administrator for other schools in your district. Please email to request access to additional schools.

Premium Hub access

Once the Quill Team approves your request, you can access the Premium Hub tab. This page serves as the main headquarters for your school/district-wide data.

If your school or district has a School Premium or District Premium subscription, you will have access to all of the Premium Hub's features, including account management and school-wide or district-wide Quill Premium reports.

If your school or district does not yet have a School Premium or District Premium subscription, you will have access to the account management features of the Premium Hub. However, you will not have access to the school-wide or district-wide Quill Premium reports and will see a banner that reads Unlock with Quill Premium at the top of your Premium Hub. You can unlock the additional Premium Hub features with a School/District Premium subscription (Click here to learn more about a School/District Premium subscription.).

Click here to learn how to navigate the Premium Hub.

Frequently Asked Questions

My request to be an administrator for a school was not approved. How do I fix this?

Please reach out to the Quill Support Team at so that we may investigate the issue.

Have more questions?

Please feel free to send us a message through the green message bubble on the bottom right corner of the screen or email us at

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