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How do I manage Quill email notifications?

Manage email notifications that you receive from Quill.

Updated over 6 months ago

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Where do I manage email notifications?

You can manage email notifications on the My Account page in the Home tab of your Quill account.

On the My Account page, scroll down to the Email notifications section.

What kinds of email notifications can I manage?


In the Newsletters subsection, you can opt into and opt out of receiving the bi-weekly teacher newsletter by toggling the checkbox next to Bi-weekly teacher newsletter.


In the Notifications subsection, you can opt into and opt out of receiving email notifications about checkpoints that your students reach. If you choose to opt into receiving email notifications, the information in these emails will be broken down by class. Please read about the different types of information that you can receive in email notifications below.

By toggling the checkbox next to Completed diagnostic, you can opt into and opt out of receiving notifications when students complete a Quill Diagnostic. If you opt into receiving Completed diagnostic notifications, when students complete a Quill Diagnostic, the corresponding notification will inform you of the specific students who completed a Quill Diagnostic and the name of the Quill Diagnostic that they completed.

By toggling the checkbox next to Completed all diagnostic recommendations, you can opt into and opt out of receiving notifications when students complete all of their practice recommendation activities. If you opt into receiving Completed all diagnostic recommendations notifications, when students complete all of their practice recommendation activities, the corresponding notification will inform you of the specific students who completed all of their practice recommendation activities.

By toggling the checkbox next to Completed all assigned activities, you can opt into and opt out of receiving notifications when students complete all of their assigned activities. If you opt into receiving Completed all assigned activities notifications, when students complete all of their assigned activities, the corresponding notification will inform you of the specific students who have completed all of their activities so that you can assign more activities to them.

How do I change the frequency of when I receive email notifications?

To change the frequency with which you receive email notifications, click the dropdown menu in the Notification frequency subsection.

From this dropdown menu, you will be able to choose between receiving hourly, daily, or weekly email notifications.

Please note that if an event of a student completing a Quill Diagnostic, completing all practice recommendation activities, or completing all assigned activities does not occur, you will not receive any email notifications.

Have more questions?

Please feel free to send a message to the Quill team using the green message bubble on the bottom right corner of the screen or email us at

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