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How do I use the Activity Summary report?
How do I use the Activity Summary report?

Learn how to read the Activity Summary report to track student progress and proficiency.

Updated over 7 months ago

The Activity Summary report provides a high-level overview of student progress and proficiency for the activities that they have been assigned.

Table of Contents

See a video overview of the Activity Summary

Watch the video below for an overview of the Activity Summary report. The video also provides information about the Activity Analysis and Diagnostics reports.

Access the Activity Summary

To access your Activity Summary report, please navigate to the Activity Summary report in the View Reports tab.

Filter the Activity Summary

Filter by class

To only see the Activity Summary reports for the students in a specific class, please select the class from the class filter at the top left corner of the Activity Summary report.

Filter by activity pack

The activity pack filter at the top left corner of the Activity Summary report defaults to All activity packs, so you see the squares for all of the activities in all of the activity packs that you have assigned to the students in a class. To see the squares for only the activities in a specific activity pack that you have assigned to the students in a class, please select the activity pack from the activity pack filter.

Filter by date

To only view the activities that have been published within a certain period of time, use the date filter at the top right of the page, which defaults to showing activities for All time. Please note that when dates are entered in the date filter, the Activity Summary report will save the entered dates for subsequent visits to the Activity Summary report until the entered dates are manually cleared.

Understand the squares on the Activity Summary

Activity square icons

The icons in each activity square indicate the type of activity that the activity square represents. Please see the activity icons key at the top of the Activity Summary report

  • The magnifying glass icon represents a Quill Diagnostic, which is the tool for assessing students' writing skills.

  • The apple icon represents Quill Lessons, which is our tool for teacher-led whole-class or small-group instruction.

  • The bullseye icon represents Quill Connect, which is our sentence-combining tool.

  • The flag icon represents Quill Proofreader, during which students fix errors in text passages.

  • The puzzle piece icon represents Quill Grammar, during which students practice basic grammar skills.

  • The book icon represents Quill Reading for Evidence, during which students read a text and use evidence from the text to complete writing prompts.

Activity square colors and statuses

  • A blue activity square indicates that the student completed the activity, but that the activity is not scored. Please note that Quill Diagnostics and Quill Lessons activities are not scored.

  • A green activity square indicates that the student completed the activity, frequently demonstrated the relevant writing skill, and earned an activity percentage score of 83-100%.

  • A yellow activity square indicates that the student completed the activity, sometimes demonstrated the relevant writing skill, and earned an activity percentage score of 32-82%.

  • A red activity square indicates that the student completed the activity, rarely demonstrated the relevant writing skill, and earned an activity percentage score of 0-31%.

  • A green, yellow, or red activity square with a number in the upper right corner indicates that the student has replayed the activity. The number in the upper right corner indicates the number of times that the student has completed the activity, and the color of the activity square indicates the proficiency score for the most recent replay of the activity.

  • A light blue activity square with a blue pie chart in the upper right corner indicates that the student has started, but not yet completed, the activity.

  • A gray activity square with a clock in the upper right corner indicates that the activity has not yet been published in students' Quill accounts and is scheduled to be published at a later date and time.

  • A gray activity square with a lock in the upper right corner indicates that the activity is in a practice recommendation activity pack that is locked, which further indicates that practice recommendation activity packs have been assigned to students with the Staggered Release method. When practice recommendation activity packs are assigned to students with the Staggered Release method, students must complete all of the activities in the currently unlocked activity pack before the next consecutive activity pack is unlocked.

  • A gray activity square indicates that the activity has been assigned to the student, but that the student has not yet started the activity.

Tip πŸ’‘

Click here to read more about how Quill scores independent-practice activities.

Blue activity squares

Activity squares for completed Quill Diagnostics/Writing Skills Surveys and Quill Lessons will appear blue to indicate that the activity has been completed, but is not scored. Please note that even if an activity is not scored, you can see students' specific responses to each of the prompts in the activity by hovering over and clicking the respective blue activity square.

See a summary of a student's performance for an activity

Hover over any activity square to view a summary of a student's performance for their most recent completion of an activity. Please read below to learn about the information that you can see when you hover over an activity square.

  • In the Objectives section, see a summary of what the student did while completing the activity.

  • In the Published section, see the date when the activity was published.

  • In the Due section, see the date when the activity was due if a due date for the activity was set.

  • In the 1st score/2nd score/etc. section, see...

    • The number and percentage of prompts to which the student submitted correct responses

    • The date and time when the student completed the activity

    • The amount of time that a student spent on the activity

  • In the Target Skills section, see...

    • The writing skills that were practiced in the activity

    • The number of prompts for which a student submitted correct responses for each writing skill

    • The number of prompts for which a student submitted incorrect responses for each writing skill

Click on an activity square to view the Activity Analysis report for the activity.

See the total amount of time that a student has spent on activities

See the total amount of time that a student has spent on the activities that they have completed in the upper right corner of their Activity Summary report.

Please note that if a student is inactive on an activity for 30 seconds, switches to a new tab, or opens another window, Quill will no longer count the time toward the total amount of time that they have spent on the activities that they have completed until they return to the activity.

See a student's activity scores

See an individual activity score

Hover over an activity square and look in the 1st score/2nd score/etc. section to see a student's score for the activity (i.e. the number and percentage of prompts to which the student submitted correct responses).

See an average score for all activities

Look in the upper right corner of a student's Activity Summary report to see the average percentage score for all of the activities that the student has completed.

Have more questions?

Please feel free to send a message to the Quill team using the green message bubble on the bottom right corner of the screen or email us at

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