Differentiation Tips and Tricks
Updated over a week ago

Differentiation is the practice of adjusting learning experiences to meet the needs of your learners. This can occur for interventions, enrichment activities, and creating a personalized learning environment. Quill's different tools and features allow teachers to differentiate activities to ensure students are receiving targeted, relevant writing instruction. Here are some tips for differentiating students' Quill experiences.

Tip #1: Assign Diagnostic Recommendations for Students

When students complete a diagnostic assessment, you can assign their individualized recommended activity packs which are based on their diagnostic data.

Practice recommendations grid from the diagnostic report

You can also modify the pacing of students' recommendations, allowing for extra time to complete the activities.

Tip #2: Assign Students Different Activities from the Activity Library

When you assign activity packs, you can select which classes – and specific students – will receive the activity. This is particularly helpful for the ELL Diagnostic series, when assigning activities for independent practice, and when you are planning interventions for students.

Tip #3: Use Reports to Guide Assignments

The Concepts Report can be a particularly helpful resource when planning differentiated instruction for your students.

After reviewing the report, you can search for activities that are related to the concept in our activity library. Similarly, with the Standards Report, you can search for activities that are aligned to Common Core State Standards.

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