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How do I navigate the Manage Activities page?

Learn about all of the actions that you can take on the Manage Activities page.

Updated over 7 months ago

On the Manage Activities page, you can view and manage all of your assigned activities. In addition, if you have assigned a Quill Lessons activity, you can launch it on the Manage Activities page.

Learn how to navigate the Manage Activities page below.

Table of contents

Filter by class

Navigate to the Manage Activities page to see all of the activities that you have assigned to your students.

Then, use the dropdown menu in the top left corner of the page to select a class and only see the activities assigned to that class.

Find a specific activity

On the Manage Activities page, you can scroll through the activities to find a specific one. To find a specific activity more quickly, you can use the keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl+f or Cmd+f, to search for a specific activity by its name.

Delete an activity from an activity pack

To delete an activity from an activity pack, scroll to the activity pack from which you would like to delete it. Then, click the X icon to the far right of the activity's name. Please note that this will immediately remove the activity from students' accounts and all student data associated with it from the data reports in your account.

Tip πŸ’‘

Deleting an activity will remove all student data associated with the activity from the data reports in your account. If you would like to keep the student data associated with an activity in your data reports, do not delete the activity.

Delete an activity pack

To delete an activity pack, scroll to the activity pack that you would like to delete and click the Delete activity pack link to the right of its name. This will remove the activity pack from your students' accounts and remove all student data associated with it from the data reports in your account.

Tip πŸ’‘

Deleting an activity pack will remove all student data associated with the activity pack from the data reports in your account. If you would like to keep the student data associated with an activity pack in your data reports, do not delete the activity pack.

Close an activity pack

Closing an activity pack will remove that activity pack from students' accounts while simultaneously keeping the student data associated with the activity pack in the data reports in your account. For this reason, closing an activity pack is different from deleting it. Closing an activity pack is ideal if the due dates for the activities in the activity pack have passed or if you would like to remove students' ability to complete the activities in the activity pack.

To close an activity pack, navigate to the My Open Activity Packs page in the Manage Activities tab.

To close an activity pack, scroll to the activity pack that you would like to close and click the Close activity pack link to the right of its name. This will remove the activity pack from your students' accounts while simultaneously keeping the activity pack's associated data in your data reports.

When you close an activity pack, you are still able to see the activity pack on the My Closed Activity Packs page in the Manage Activities tab.

Tip πŸ’‘

Please click here to see more information about closing activity packs.

Rename an activity pack

To rename an activity pack, scroll to the activity pack that you would like to rename and click the Rename activity pack link to the right of its name.

Then, type the name to which you would like to rename the activity pack in the form that appears and click the Save button to immediately update the activity pack's name in both your and your students' accounts.

Change a due date of an activity

To set or change a due date for an activity, find the activity pack containing the activity for which you would like to set or change the due date and click in the Due date field for the activity for which you would like to set or change the due date.

Clicking in the Due date field will reveal a calendar, in which you can select a date and time for the due date.

You can also delete a due date for an activity by highlighting the date in the Due date field and clicking the delete button on your keyboard.

Change a publish date of an activity

To set or change a publish date for an activity, find the activity pack containing the activity for which you would like to set or change the publish date and click in the Publish date field for the activity for which you would like to set or change the publish date.

Clicking in the Publish date field will reveal a calendar, in which you can select a date and time for the publish date.

A checkmark next to a Publish date indicates that the activity is published and is appearing in students' Quill accounts.

A clock next to a Publish date indicates the activity is scheduled to show at a later time or date and is not yet appearing in students' Quill accounts.

Tip πŸ’‘

Please click here to see more information about viewing and setting publish dates for activities.

Change the order of activities in an activity pack

To change the order of activities in an activity pack, find the activity pack whose activities' order you would like to change. Then, click, hold, drag, and drop the order tool, indicated by the icon with four horizontally stacked lines, to the far left of an activity's name to move that activity within the activity pack.

When you change the order of activities in an activity pack in your account, the order of the activities in the activity pack will immediately be updated in your students' accounts.

Add/remove students assigned

To assign and unassign activity packs to and from students, find the activity pack that you would like to assign or unassign and click the Add/remove students assigned button that corresponds with the activity pack.

Clicking the Add/remove students assigned button will bring you a page containing rosters for each of your classes.

Once you have checked and unchecked the boxes next to the names of the students to whom and from whom the activity pack needs to be assigned and unassigned, click the Update students assigned to pack button.

Tip πŸ’‘

Please click here to read more about assigning and unassigning activity packs to and from students on the Manage Activities page.

Add an activity to an activity pack

To add an activity to an already existing activity pack, scroll to the activity pack to which you would like to add an activity. At the bottom of the activity pack, click the Add activities button.

Clicking the Add activities button will take you to the activity library, where you can search for and select activities to add to the activity pack. Once you have selected the activities that you would like to add to the activity pack, click the Assign button. Once you click the Assign button, the activities that you selected will be added to the activity pack.

Launch a Quill Lesson

To launch a Quill Lesson that you have assigned, navigate to the Launch Lessons page in the Manage Activities tab.

Find the Quill Lesson that you would like to launch and click the Launch Lesson button to the far right of the Quill Lesson that you would like to launch.

Tip πŸ’‘

For more information about how to launch and implement Quill Lessons, check out our Quill Lessons Getting Started Guide.

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